Saturday 5 September 2015

Analysis of a Music Video The 1975 - Girls

The 1975- Girls

Media Language:

Camera Work:

  • Close ups on the artists - more on the lead singer than other members 
  •  Establishing shot of the band all together about to start playing- Sets the scene 
  •  Long shots to include everyone  
  • High angles that look down on the women- show them as smaller/weaker


    • Filter- Black and white
    • Fast cuts- Fits with the beat and pace of the music
    • Fast cuts- Make you re watch as you don't catch everything first time
    • Cuts from men to women- compares and shows you how each is represented.
    • Location - Located in a studio- Mainly a white background 
    • Lighting - Bright lighting and stage lighting - Highlights all of the characters
    • Costumes - men are covered up in black-
    • Costumes - Women's costumes are sexualised

    Genre (Pop Rock)

  • Artist gets lots of screen time
  • Fast editing to reflect the song
  • choreographed sections throughout
  • Costumes reflect the genre- Women- Pop aspect of the genre Men- Rock aspect of the genre
  • Women in Pop- sexualised body language, make up, costume, etc.

  • Audience
    • The audience feel enjoyment through watching the music video as its different and interesting
    • Makes the audience view each sex differently,
    • Makes them think about how each sex is viewed and if that's how they should be viewed

    • Showing women and men to not be equal- mainly through the way they are dressed
    • Showing how each sex is viewed
    • The women are stereo typically represented

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