Wednesday 2 September 2015

Functions of a music video

Functions of a music video

Whats the job of a music video?
  •  The main purpose of a music video is to entertain the audience
  • Can be used to promote an artist (can include creating/chaning their image or persona)
  • Can promote the artists song and gain it publicity
  • Create a Fan base for the artist, or increase and strengthen an existing fan base
  • Increase sales of Albums for the artist and Concert tickets
  •  The video helps to confirm the artist genre or show that there is a change in the genre for that artist.
  • The video will help to expand the artist's media Platform
  •  It will help the audience to understand the lyrics and meaning of the song if their is a link between the lyrics and the video.
  • Can promote an arists otehr talents (if they have them) e.g. they can play an instrument or they are a dancer.

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