Thursday, 24 September 2015

Audience Research

Audience Research

Survey Link:

The main age of the people who took my survey were 17. All of the people where between the age of 16-19. This is quite a small age range for my target audience but around these ages is what my target audience will be.

More than half of the people who took my survey were females, while only less that 30% of the responces were male.

The main genre that people answered for this question was Indie music. with rock being the second most popular genre of video to watch. This helps me to choose what genre of music video i should choose to create.

Peoples responces help me to see that people aren't as keen on performanced based videos. This will mean that my video wont be a performance based video, but may contain aspects of a performance based video. The most popular type was narrative based videos. Due to these results my video will mainly be a narrative based video

There were mixed responces about what the best aspect of a music video is. A lot of the results said that they just liked the music, while others said that the best parts of  a music video is its individuality and the story behind it all.

Over 10 of the people who took my questionnaire said that they do watch a music video multiple times at one time. 8 people said that they didn't rewatch videos, while under 4 said that sometimes they did depending on the video or the song.

The main reason behind people rewatching is because they enjoy the song, or if the video is quite complex they want to rewatch so that they can spot something they didn't before.

A lot of the responses said that they do like to see the artist within the video, while under 1/4 of the people don't like to. 1/4 of the people said that they don't mind if the artist is in the video asnd that it depends on what the music video is about

The main aspect that people think is important to a music video is the location. This means that i will carfully choose the location of my video. Lighting was also quite a popular feature to a muic video, which means this is something else for me to look at.

Most of the replies stated that they watch music videos a few times a month.

The only platforms that people watch music videos on was Youtube and Music Channels

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